Multi Fruits Liquids Trailer

Multi Fruits Liquids Trailer
Store Data
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Price: 95000
Category: trailers
Fill Units
There is one fill unit available.
Price: –
Capacity: 90000
Fill type: milk h-milk wheat barley oat canola soybean maize sunflower cotton sugarBeet potato sugarCane grass dryGrass straw silage chaff woodChips seeds fertilizer lime manure forage pigFood spelt spelt_windrow hemp millet millet_windrow clover garlic lavender alfalfa poppy carrot parsley rice rye rye_windrow beetRoot redCabbage sorghum sorghum_windrow spinach tobacco triticale triticale_windrow whiteCabbage onion apple apricot banana pear strawBerry raspBerry cherry kiwiFruit coco orange peach plum cranBerry grape waterMelon cauliFlower peanut cucumber hops cocoa pumpkin olives paprika pepperoni mushrooms lettuce tomato cinnamon CCM speltGrist fishFeed choppedMaize foodPellets barleyGrist grainGrist washedPotatoes chaffNew silageNew grass_fermented oatGrist hayPellets milletGrist chickenFeed clover_windrow dryClover_windrow clover_fermented cloverPellets cowFeed alfalfa_windrow dryAlfalfa_windrow alfalfa_fermented alfalfaPellets ccmRaw choppedMaize_fermented horesFeed rapeGrist beetPulp sheepFeed siloGrass sorghumGrist strawPellets triticaleGrist wheatGrist barkMulch appleJuice apricotJuice bananaJuice bioMilk pearJuice bread bun butter speltFlour strawBerryJuice vinegar fish meat barleyFlour washedBeets uhtMilk oatFlour raspBerryJuice milletFlour honey honeyMilk yogurt coffee caviar ketchup cherryJuice kiwiJuice caffeine cake lemonade mayonaisse flour noodles bakedPotato orangeJuice peachJuice plumJuice frenchFries popcorn cranBerryJuice sortedPotatoes quark rapeseedOil smokedFish riceFlour ryeFlour redWine sheepMilk spirits blackBeer mustard soyMilk sunflowerOil sorghumFlour bacon cookingOil strongBeer steak tomatoJuice grapeJuice triticaleFlour waterMelonJuice wine darkGrape brightGrape whiteWine wheatFlour whiskey vodka sausage goatMilk sugar overburden asphalt concrete soil ore plaster gold charCoal limeStone gravel coal pavingStone salt sand stone stoneSalt tar bioMass organicWaste compost malt molasses waste fabric brewersGrain pomace cigarette cigar digestate Whiskey manure water h-milk honey oliveoil wine SEEDS Porto milk LIME Cider beer liquidfertilizer Liqueur Vineyard gasoline seawater Wine marmelade vodka BioDiesel Desalination liquidManure diesel oil DIESEL DEF herbicide saltwater
Fill category: –
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