Category: Construction

Build With Bricks

Build With Bricks

This download has 9 store item(s). Store items include: block05x1 [Sheds] block1x1 [Sheds] block1x2 [Sheds] plateStatic10x10 [Sheds] topPlate10x20 [Sheds] topPlate3x10 [Sheds] topPlate3x10 [Sheds] windowBridge1x3 [Sheds] windowBridge1x3 [Sheds]

FED Productions Pack

FED Productions Pack

This download has 122 store item(s). Store items include: Zuckerfabrik [Production] boardsStackPallet [Pallets] Leerpalette [Pallets] OSBpalette [Pallets] Backwarenpalette [Pallets] Broetchenpalette [Pallets] bakeryBoxPallet [Pallets] Kuchenpalette [Pallets] Palette_Bier_Gerstenfass [Pallets]